Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Recondite's Daemmerlicht aka The Boogyman is Back.

I've admittedly being slacking on my personal music consumption. But man oh man I'm glad I caught wind of Recondite's (aka Lorenz Brunner) newest full length album Daemmerlicht. The music elements contained in these 52 minutes are so damn good I can barely listen to it at home by myself. It's that scary - frighting really.

The first track shares its name with the album and I can only equate it to catching a rumor of a beast that you haven't known since it used to manifest in your closet, under bed, in your head (sorry Mr. Hetfield I couldn't resist) in your formative years. The kind of fear that used to make you enter the debate "should I run to Mom & Dad's room or will the beast devour me the second I poke my head out of the covers".

It's not until Hoehlenichter & Der Steinmetz that you actually get a glimpse of your daemon. Big sweeping bass line as the floor beneath you goes with it around the 1:20 mark of the former. By the time you've gone through Von Der Kanzel you've been sucked into His layer.

The melodic fright levels run high for the second half of the album. Once Lorenz has you in his ether you're there and for me personally I did not want to leave. I've had tracks 7 - 10 on repeat now three times over. I can't get enough of music that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. It is truly the secret sauce that differentiates music that I very much like the shelf above. Explains my infatuation with the Chemical Brother's, particularly their live shows - scary stuff! But oh man makes me move in ways that makes my yoga instructor look stiff.

The album last two tracks Unten & Immer Da are so dramatic I can't tell if the listeners are supposed to feel like the girl in the Shape of Water - did we come to peace with the fact the scary thing is totally going to take us with it back to the depths of oblivion or are we having sexual relations with it. Either way it's a nice cherry on the dark chocolate three course dessert.

Anyway I highly recommend every sound Tom & Ed (the Chem Bros) have made but if you're like me and you've done that countless times over Daemmerlicht will be music to your ears. Not quiet chem bros-esque but deserves a listen and re-listen in its own right.

I do not actually have a yoga teacher.